Monday, August 23, 2010

time to write about other people. think positive. MUST THINK POSITIVE!

i open this blog post today by telling you that i will attempt to write aobut ANOTHER PERSON (gasp) WITHOUT being NEGATIVE! (gasp!)
since my right brain appears to be atrophying and crumbling like a Starbucks scone (as evidenced by the way my head slumps noticeably to the left) i have decided i will try to save it by writing about something that is not
A.) me
B.) negative
C.) someone else's ex girlfriend.
after contemplating who i would write on without sounding negative, i determined this strenous thinknig was having even more of a deletrious effect on my poor right brain. so, i am sorry, folks. (all 2 of you who read my blog.) here is yet more stuff about me. i must get hana to post.....if she isn't off filming hobbits or generally being an artistic genius.

spekaing of Hana: we decided to be extra artsy this summer. about half of the productive things we did during vacation happened at night, and surprised either A. citizens of our hometown, or
B. our friends on Facebook.
speaking of Facebook, our best project was a tribute to Pop art, using a can of Campbell's tomato soup we purchased at the local Hannaford. many pictures were taken of the can of soup, using it as a focal point for many unexpected and soupy situations (rather than silkscreen the same image repeatedly to form a collage.)
this series was originally shot with a banana (see the cover of the Velvet Underground's album Andy Warhol) but Hana managed to expose half the roll of film whne taking it out of the camera, effectively wrecking it. (otherwise she was a brilliant photographer.)

the next rebellious public-art project we undertook was chalk drawings on the town green. we drew a man sword-fighting a giant lobster, surrounded by rainbow stone tiles, on an area of walkway with a round sotne circle in the center. we were watched the whole time by enthralled tourists and other assorted bystanders, onlookers, and gawkers. unfortunately, when we came back to check on it later, someone had mysteriously erased both man and lobster. we don't know for sure, but we suspect it was the police, attempting to clean up our 'vandalism'.

c'est magnifique, non?
et fin.
signing off now, Lia

1 comment:

  1. is it customary for bloggers to post only once a month and the rest of the time leave their readers torurously hanging? please respond, i need to get the hang of this.
